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I’ve visited HOD a few times and always felt it was somewhere between good and excellent. On this occasion it was awful. Lovette came in wearing scruffy bra and knickers; she also wore a bit of attitude. She grabbed the money and clarified the time, then took off her clothes without ceremony. I did the same. I usually prefer a bit of a snog and grope in front of a mirror before a girl gets on her knees. But there was none of that, I was motioned on to the bed, and the clock pointedly turned so she could see it. She then got out the wipes and cleaned the old chap. The blow job was ok, but soon enough I had apparently had all I was going to get. On went the condom, and she got on top. We went through a fairly straightforward but totally joyless fuck. Soon enough she started commenting that I’d fucked enough and it was time to come. I wasn’t exactly having a great time so I did as I was told. She leapt off the bed and gave me some wipes. Then left the room literally telling me to ‘sort myself out’. There were still 30 minutes left.I got dressed and was greeted by the maid asking if it was ok. What was I supposed to say So I mumbled something and left, seeing Lovette dragging hard on her cigarette in the corner of the room.I don’t like to be unkind, and tend to only post a review when it’s very good or very bad. This unfortunately was the latter.